Welcome to Reception and to RE and RY!
The adults who help us in RE are Miss Edwards and Miss Turner. The adults in RY are Mrs Yates and Mrs Weaver.
In Reception, we learn lots in our phonics, literacy, maths and topic sessions. We also love to learn through hands on experiences and play!
We have both indoor and outdoor classrooms and lots of different areas for children to learn practically and practise new skills and develop gained knowledge.
In Reception we love to read and share lovely stories together, it is a really important part of our day! We love to retell stories by creating story maps and adding actions to our stories. By the end of each week, we will be given a reading book that we can read for pleasure with our grown ups.
In our daily Phonics sessions, we will learn how to read and write Set 1 and Set 2 RWI sounds and begin the process for segmenting the sounds in simple words and blending them together to read words. Our phonics books are changed in line with our phonics groups, by the phonics teacher.
We want children to make friendships which are both safe and respectful and have lots of fun through the year!
Key useful links:
Phonics play PhonicsPlay
Phonics bloom Phonics Games for the Classroom and Home – Phonics Bloom
Topmarks Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help
Cbeebies Games for kids and early years activities – CBeebies – BBC